Privacy Policy for Twinkey App

(Effective April 26, 2023)

Collection and Use of Information

The application does not collect any personal information from users except for the email address which the user may provide for feedback. The application uses Firebase Crashlytics and Analytics to analyze crashes and usage statistics to improve the quality and functionality of the application. This data does not contain any personal user information and is not disclosed to third parties.

Data Storage

User data is stored in the iCloud keychain, which ensures the security and confidentiality of user data.


The application provides a high level of security for storing and processing user data. All data is transmitted over a secure channel and stored on the user’s device.

Processing and Transmission of Data

The application does not transmit user data to third parties. Information collected by Firebase Crashlytics and Analytics is used only for crash analysis and improving the functionality of the application.

Data Deletion

Users can delete their data associated with the TwinKey application by selecting the «Erase all» option within the application.

Contact Us

We value the privacy and security of our users and will do everything possible to protect their data. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us